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In an earlier life as a clothing designer representative, Whimsy owner Beth Pedicini visited hundreds of women's clothing shops throughout New England. She got to hear from the owners about what their customers liked, got ideas about how to set up a store layout that was easy and fun to use, and saw the positive difference that a passionate staff made to visitors.

To reduce the extensive traveling required as a clothing rep, Beth changed jobs to become the manager of a Cape Cod women's consignment shop, where she heard what customers were looking for, and recognized that there was a local desire for a higher quality of merchandise and more of a boutique shopping experience.

And so in 2012, Beth opened Whimsy in downtown Harwichport, moving 3 years later to the current, larger, store in West Harwich.

With a focus on distinctive clothing and accessories, we enjoy helping women find fun and beautiful items that compliment their style and personality. Stop by to browse, socialize, and get inspired, in a relaxing and low key atmosphere. Perhaps you'll meet Tessa, the house Great Pyrenees.